

28 | She/They
Former Ar/t account of Kayla Shaggy.
Dine & Annishinabe Ar/tist.
Portfolio in link below.

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Practice with the fill in tool on CSP. I'm trying to practice more digital stuff. Left is colored version, right is original black and white.

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Really been enjoying the Aldo pics I've done recently. I love this big dorky dragon princess.

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The way I've been drawing non-stop since this year started is insane actually. These drawings are all from January to yesterday (and I also made a 24 page comic during the first week of Janaury too). This also doesn't count the contract artwork I've done bc NDA! Wow.

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they squabble so much I love it

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I wanted to answer this in a fun "oc question" post (and didn't get the chance to lol) so I feel like I should say upfront that these two characters are, not exactly self-insert, modeled after me in terms of appearance and personality.

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