

28 | She/They
Former Ar/t account of Kayla Shaggy.
Dine & Annishinabe Ar/tist.
Portfolio in link below.

フォロー数:119 フォロワー数:691

No Valentine for Violet but its okay, there's chocolate cake

5 15

A kiss for the Princess

7 14

Old twins comic. I think my marker was dying lol.

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First Princess Aldobrandino Esposito.
You can also call her Aldo if her title is too long.
(It means "Little Old Sword")

4 17

I'm pretty sure she commits tax fraud though dkl;KDLSJ;FADKSJFASD

0 7

These 3 actively k-word ppl regularly lol, but its for good reasons! (Protecting others, mainly). https://t.co/e4E1qOuIPl

1 10

Finished up Alcantha. Her legs were distracting so I cropped them out.

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Originally drawn for The Sixth World website, I don't particularly like these drawings of them (still in the early stages of getting used to drawing both girls).

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