

2x || She/her || 🇻🇳 || Rukia & Byakuya & IchiRuki (B) || Ai/Shiho (DC) || Aerith (FF7) || yeah I'm @IchiRukispace you stalkers can die mad about it

フォロー数:141 フォロワー数:1431

"Wasn't Ori the one who motivated Ichigo to rescue Rukia in the first place" -> Learn the difference between "motivate" and "cheer up". As if Ichigo had never decided to go save Rukia long before Ori came and only helped him solve the "should I bring Rukia back here" issue🤨

3 33

Just for you to know this is the one moment that I know I can never move on from IR 🥹
Pierrot's art sucks btw 💀 https://t.co/vW8kQlGjXI

9 48

Mind you that they officially came together as a pair of sun and moon, not just "oh character A is individually compared to the sun and character B is individually compared to the moon let's randomly pair AB together" 😌 https://t.co/GxwT6k2q52

21 63

I'm telling you Senbonzakura Kageyoshi surpasses all other bankais in Bleach 👀

17 99

...I never realize my country made it quite good like that 🤔 Can't like the poem font tho lol.

0 5

Anw it's the tag-crossing again. Happen every time there is sth big. Typical, not even surprised 💀

5 72

1/ Rukia was a guest with no authority in the house
2/ Rukia was in Ichigo's room in the middle of the night WITH HIS FAMILY'S AWARENESS
3/ If the twins considered Rukia "a true sibling" there is no need to ask for a sibling's permission to enter another sibling's room
4/...👇💀 https://t.co/JNjvpYQisE

23 108

The fact this boy literally went through 100 fcking million blades for this girl's smile because he couldn't stand her crying face yet y'all choose to have selective reading and insist on "hE OnLy sAVeD hEr BecAuSe hE OwEd hER" 💀

43 155

Anw SJ knew it

11 45

First time I read TYBW I dropped after 15 chapters (because it's so freaking boring to me that it took me 3 times trying to finally finish it) then started looking for Rukia's and Byakuya's chapters only. Once the anime is on air maybe I'll do the same thing 👀

5 88