

i main the pretty twin

フォロー数:181 フォロワー数:1408

now see if this was animated and not a slide show? Oh it woulda been tea like this is some fab fight scene material

10 67

"Kayle already has viridian!!"

48 622

And unsurprisingly kayle is once again overlooked in a skinline that would've looked amazing on her. We were denied a legendary in eclipse, a skin in sg and now this.

It's really hard to keep up hope when it feels like a years worth of feedback given has fallen on deaf ears

7 83

Redeemed Xayah and Rakan could've waited i think

163 1566

that skinline peaked here

21 283

headshot ready, rfc locked and loaded, infinity edge sitting pretty next to her last whisper, berserker greaves laced and bloodthirster at the ready https://t.co/6GT2jqTgW7

26 321

which do yall prefer

83 1359

minutes before sh*tting on the pc lineup

34 357

1 thing I love ab updates is that theres always gonna be that 1 cheapass skin w amazing effects/visuals for its price

8 148