

Living my life one Rocko's Modern Life reference at a time. I draw cartoony things that suck. I mean that literally & draw/talk abstract kinks! 🔞 30s He/Him

フォロー数:454 フォロワー数:2479

Some wonderful pieces of gift art from featured on their website: https://t.co/PqZ1SWWLgm

Thanks so much, they're lovely and you draw the fluffiest characters!

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Various bits of gift and fan art I did for featuring a couple of their characters! Definitely check out their works as they have a really really good style!

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I forgot how much fun I had making V-Day cards that are less about the holiday and more about me making inapropriately thematic furry versions starring my characters.

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In this page I outright borrowed an idea I saw in the anime Kaiba.

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Panel lips?

This started off as an idea where the panel of a page would just be the lips with Terra sticking out, but without other panels to give it context it doesn't work. Oh well, going to try again with a few panel types next.

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“Kaz, I'm Already A Demon”
A pair of counterpart doodles, one of a Big Bossified version of 's caribou, and art by them of a Kaz-ified Kaz

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A closer look at these big chompers. Art by

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Don't mind these two, just running from a new friend.

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