

mom, retired teacher, voracious reader, learner, cupcake lover

フォロー数:3835 フォロワー数:3473

Brave Enough for Two Beautiful story and illustrations about Hoot and Olive going on adventures and watching out for each other.

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Ask Emma. 13 yr old Emma wants to start an advice blog and has all kinds of things happen- good and bad.

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A Couch for Llama Very funny and touching story about a llama and a couch.

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My Pillow Keeps Moving illus.
Is it a pillow or what? Very cute story.

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When Planet Earth was New. Excellent book. Earth from the beginning.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Good Day, Good Night illus. Wonderful story about a little bunny saying good night to all things.

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Thank you for this Abe’s Homest Words. Amazing book illus

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Word Play illus. Funny story about parts of speech becoming friends.

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Read Water's Children- celebrating the resource that unites us all. Thanks for this recom. Excellent book.

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Read Go Sleep in Your Own Bed Cute story about a pig trying different beds and making many unhappy.

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