

フォロー数:188 フォロワー数:127

Kiki, is definitely a girly girl, at heart. She enjoys painting her nails, weekly.

1 14

"Who wore it better?" Kiki, Tay, & Victoria asked in unison. Thx4 the rec Megane👓 (EFPH8W4)!

1 7

It was early morning, when Hazel boarded her train. Upon stepping inside, she's immediately greeted by you. She blushes & bursts into happy tears, "You made it!"

1 21

Hazel, Lythena, & Rubi, are all in their New Year Rabbit setups. 🐇

2 20

Hazel, is waiting at a British phone booth. Lythena, is cuddling a bunny in the snow. Rubi, is well... being a menace.

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Lucky, BB, & Hazel, all in holiday "food" setups!

1 15

Lythena, has started to shapeshift into a frost dragon!

2 18

"Wouldn't it be perfect if it snowed?" You ponder. "Curse this weather! How dare it not snow, for my Love!" Rubi, cast a snow spell; creating a winter wonderland!

1 23

"Winter Date" Entry: BB and I, are enjoying a wonderful, Winter dinner date! Any likes/votes are appreciated!

1 27

🎵"Come little children. I'll take thee away. Into a land of enchantment."🎶 Rubi, sang as she flew through a chilly Autumn night.

1 22