

i like to draw badass men • multi-fandom ♡ jjk, hh, hb 😈 ♡ • 日本語を勉強中|絵の転載、改変、使用、再配布等を固く禁じる | AI学習禁止✖️ no AI / NFTs | read non-exhaustive warning ↓

フォロー数:474 フォロワー数:16

first ever chibi!! 🥳 still not sure how to chibi…?? also i spent wayyy too much time on this piece lol (happy w the way it turned out though hehe) 💓

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max flamboyance 💃🏻

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old works part 2

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old works part 1

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ウィンクあげてと言いた時にドキドキしていました 配信お疲れ様でした!w

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