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Alice Yabusame

Uhhh how long has he been in that prison uniform?? 🧍 well I think he smells like a rainy day yknow? 🥰

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Kanna Kizuchi

She probably smells sweet like vanilla, just something as sweet as her 🥺

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Q-taro Burgerburg

Dudes a baseball player,,, so he probably smells like sweat and beef 😨 on a good day, he smells like peppermint 😋

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Nao Egokoro

Like Mishima, she smells like fresh paints and just art products, but more fruity 🥺

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Kazumi Mishima

To mask that cigar smell, he smells like fresh paints and pencils 😳

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Shin Tsukimi

Okay, lets be real.. Dude probably STINKS. He looks homeless so 😖 I mean,,, on a good day he would probably smell like minty

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Reko Yabusame

She smells like some sort of charcoal shampoo, along with a citrus smell 🥴

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Keiji Shinogi

// alcohol

As much as I love him, dude probably smells bad 😟like bourbon or smth, on a good day he smells like cheap cologne 😌

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Gin Ibushi

You know when you enter a pet store and immediately smell like, animals, dog food and stuff? 🤯Yeah that's how he smells like

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