

christameamamas twt/xweb account || draws and plays games (usually around #feheroes) || draws some shannans, especially the horni ones || backup: @kellybunkers

フォロー数:4 フォロワー数:95

shannan goes to find some forma souls and they appear to have different variants ft. blushing robin with a thirsty grima inside (because today it’s his day to enter the hall of forms.)

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(furry alert again) another cat shannan, this time sitting by the knees with a floor background + toe beans (this has to be one of the best well drawn shannan face i had seen in my stuff probably)

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navarre does gardening for funny reasons. (he wore a mask cuz either he likes them or he’s trying to be a gud boi in the pandemic)

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haha keaton go yeet (full version is on my page)

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ny!keaton in my headcanonish nutshell (ft lewyn cuz they’re both asses and once they teamed up and took +300 orbs from my stuff)

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male kris seriously looks like marth but no crown or any capes.

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