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Australian Devil

The Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) is a carnivorous marsupial of the family Dasyuridae. Open forests and woodlands are preferred, while tall or dense wet forests are avoided.

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Schomburgk's Deer

The most notable feature of Schomburgk's Deer is her antlers. Two produce from her head, and are a strong lightning-blue color at the base, fading into white as it reaches the tips. Her weapon is a double-ended glaive, with antlers acting as the blades.

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Kyushu Owl

Diet: Carnivore
Distribution: Kyushu, Shikoku, Southern Honshu
Japanese Name: キュウシュウフクロウ
Romanised Name: Kyūshū Fukurō
Conservation Status: Near Threatened
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 8 Years
Scientific Name: Strix uralensis fuscescens

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Raccoon has brown eyes with silver gray hair that fades to white towards the bottom, while at the front her hair turns black, with a white line in between and a white spot in the middlemost bang. She has two rounded animal ears and a ringed long tail befitting her specie

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Japanese Wolf

The Japanese wolf is an extinct subspecies of the gray wolf that was once endemic to the islands of Honshū, Shikoku, and Kyūshū in the Japanese archipelago. It is also known as the Honshū wolf.

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Ringed Seal

Japanese Name: ワモンアザラシ
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Distribution: Arctic Ocean
Diet: Piscivore
Scientific Name: Pusa hispida
Romanised Name: Wamon'azarashi
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 15 to 20 years

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Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey

The Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey is a primate with a large fur and a snub nose blue, their genus is called Rhinopithecus and their familly Cercopithecidae.

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Romanised Name: Hirakoteriumu
Conservation Status: Extinct
Diet: Unknown
Distribution: Unknown
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Unknown
Japanese Name: ヒラコテリウム
Scientific Name: Hyracotherium

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Spectacled Caiman

Spectacled caimans are able to change the color of the skin and become dark-colored during the cold period of the year.

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Short-Beaked Common Dolphin

Scientific Name: Delphinus delphis
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 35 years
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Romanised Name: Mairuka
Distribution: Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Southeast Indian Ocean
Diet: Carnivore
Japanese Name: マイルカ

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