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These animals grow up to 1.6 metres long, making them the smallest member of the camelid family. -
Prices for vicuña wool can range from US$1,800 to US$3,000 per yard.
Shoebill wears a somewhat militaristic uniform that is mostly gray with black on the fringes. Her main uniform consists of shorts, a shirt with two breast pockets, and a white tie.
Geoffroy's Cat
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Japanese Name: ジョフロイ ネコ
Distribution: South America
Romanised Name: Jofuroi neko
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 14-15 years
Scientific Name: Leopardus geoffroyi
Diet: Carnivore
Western Parotia
Romanised Name: kanzashi fuuchou
Also known as: Arfak parotia
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 5-8 Years
Distribution: Indonesia
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Diet: Omnivore
Scientific Name: Parotia sefilata
Japanese Name: カンザシフウチョウ
All narwhals have two upper teeth. In males, one of them breaks through the upper lip, growing into a long tusk. Their tusk is hollow and can break off rather easily rendering them unusable as a weapon.
Giant Pangolin
Giant Pangolin has blond short hair cutted at least shoulders-level, and an orange deerstalker with Giant Pangolin's scales. She wears a sleeveless white shirt accompanied by a sleeveless pink sweater and an orange necktie.
Scarlet Ibis
Diet: Carnivore
Romanised Name: Shōjō Toki
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Japanese Name: ショウジョウトキ
Scientific Name: Eudocimus ruber
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 16 years
Distribution: Caribbean Islands, Northern South America, Southern Florida
White Lion
Distribution: Unknown
Japanese Name: ホワイト ライオン
Romanised Name: Howaito raion
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 16.8 years
Diet: Carnivore
Scientific Name: Panthera leo
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Gray Wolf
Gray Wolf has distinctive wolf ears on her head, two-tone tail (mostly white with a black tip), and heterochromic eyes (a yellow right eye and a blue left eye). She also has dichromactic, long, wild, and black-and-white hair.
European Hare
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Diet: Herbivore
Scientific Name: Lepus europaeus
Distribution: Unknown
Also known as: Brown hare
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 3-4 years
Romanised Name: Yabuno usagi
Japanese Name: ヤブノウサギ