Kemves Studiosさんのプロフィール画像

Kemves Studiosさんのイラストまとめ

Tempat dimana imaginasi hidup!
A place where imagination alive!

フォロー数:104 フォロワー数:201

Tahniah semua! Sementara tunggu keputusan keluar, penuhi masa korang dengan perkara berfaedah!


Congratulations guys! While waiting for the results to come out, fill your time with worthwhile things!

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Jaga diri kalian..

Jangan lupa patuhi langkah pencegahan!


Take care of yourselves..

Don't forget to follow the precautions!

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Selamat kembali ke Sekolah semua! Belajar rajin-rajin!

Jangan lupa patuhi langkah pencegahan!

Welcome back to School guys! Study hard!

Don't forget to follow the precautions!

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Hmmm... 🌚

Jangan lupa patuhi langkah pencegahan!


Hmmm... 🌚

Don't forget to follow the precautions!

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Sudah terdengarkah akan bisikan halus itu?

Jangan lupa patuhi langkah pencegahan!

Have you heard that subtle whisper?

Don't forget to follow the precautions!

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Kisah benar.

Jangan lupa patuhi langkah pencegahan!


True story.

Don't forget to follow the precautions!

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Spm datang lagi!

Tenangkan diri! Korang dah berusaha selama ni!

Jadi, korang mesti boleh buat!

SPM comes again!

Calm yourself! You guys have been working hard all this time!

So, you guys must be able to do it!

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