Kemves Studiosさんのプロフィール画像

Kemves Studiosさんのイラストまとめ

Tempat dimana imaginasi hidup!
A place where imagination alive!

フォロー数:104 フォロワー数:201

Aib disebar tanpa adanya malu.

Jangan kongsi. Simpan sendiri.


Disgrace is spread without shame.

Do not share. Keep it to yourself.

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Saat dimana dia melihat 'Harapan'.

Dah baca komik 'Titik Mula'? Apa pendapat korang?


The moment he saw 'Hope'.

Have you read 'Titik Mula'? What do you think?

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Walau dalam perut paus sekalipun, masih ada harapan!

Jadi, jangan putus asa untuk berusaha!


Even in the belly of the whale, there is still hope!

So, don't give up trying!

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Mana mahaguru lato-lato?!

Munculkan diri sekarang! Mim nak cabar akan kemahaguruan kamu!


Where is lato-lato master?!

Appear now! I want to challenge your mastery!

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Sesuatu sedang datang, dan ia sangat merepek!

Cuba korang teka, ni apa dan mengenai apa?


Something is coming, and it's very nonsense!

Try to guess, what is this and what is it about?

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Nur maksimum!

Kecerahan tanpa ampun pada telefon ibu-ibu!


Maximum light!

Merciless brightness on mom's phone!

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