

26 ⋆ PRINTMAKER & ILLUSTRATOR ⋆ jojo cosplayer • residential frog 𓆏 ⋆ art: @visceralprints 🖤 @drewlockholmes 💍

フォロー数:551 フォロワー数:1575
# jjba

oh mine god, i accidentally hath sent thou a white summoning soapstone... prithee banish it!! 'Lest...thou desire to come over? haha I jest, delete it at once! Unless.... thou wouldst like to join me?

28 72

mr president I have feelings for you

18 102

do you care him

240 606

araki you have the worlds biggest brain

757 2221

hope your day gets better!

2 7

much to think about.....

4 19

real Bucciarati hours

4 17