ken knudtsenさんのプロフィール画像

ken knudtsenさんのイラストまとめ

Artist, writer, and loyal drinking buddy.

フォロー数:426 フォロワー数:571

Last week’s life model session(every Thursday 7-10 $10)drawings. I’ve been in a kind of line/black shapes mode lately, and I like how it’s been going.

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One of the drawings that I’m looking forward to having up at my art show this Saturday(8-11). So come on by to check out original art, some limited run prints and comics, and see if my enthusiasm for John Wick 5 has dimmed at all.
Spoiler alert: it has not.

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I will honor by drawing Black Manta and listening to the new Charlie XCX. Because Bruce really doesn’t give a fuck as long as he can daily engage in child endangerment like a real hero does.

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Now that I’m mostly recovered from Heroes and art shows, I updated my store(link in bio, click on STORE) with these guys (and a Snowpiercer). Feel free to check it out and buy things so I don’t go thirsty.

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Commission for my buddy to add to his Skeletor collection as it’s now time to scream along to DGeneration on the walk up to for my art show.

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Life drawing with a branch in Sumi ink and Handsome Boy Modeling School.

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Beastman wishes you a good morning by growling along to The CRJ’s delightful “Too Much” at your bedside 15min before your alarm goes off.

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Last night was great times catching up with icom over tasty beverages and cool music by . Now it’s time to head back home and get back to drawing.

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Since it’s , here’s a drawing as I pour some Basil Hayden’s into a glass that I boldly predict will need refilling.

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New blog(link in bio) is up on how I used chunks of these two life drawings to color the Spider-Man drawing. Read it and be way more excited and refreshed with life than when you fucking sat through this last Super Bowl.

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