1/ THREAD of Connect 2021 put on by a company that may be formerly be known as Facebook.
I'll be focusing on VR, AR, & WebXR news.
Zuckerberg's #Connect2021 Keynote 10a PDT
Facebook Livestream
Watch in VR
I got a tour of a "JobsCon" template world in @VRChat by @LilBagelVR that's set in a skyscraper with modular rooms on each floor between booths, classroom, stage, & cocktail area.
A very skeuomorphic design that I think works for this use case of a job fair.
Coming in 2-3 months.
1/ New Year's Eve in VR thread
NYE is one of the biggest days in VR, & here's a few @VRChat worlds worth checking out.
The @jeanmicheljarre performance in Notre Dam is absolutely stunning.
Amazing projection mapped effect in VR.
@_VRrOOm_ @SkarredGhost