a pile of leaves on plutoさんのプロフィール画像

a pile of leaves on plutoさんのイラストまとめ

フォロー数:380 フォロワー数:79

Found an old USB today with Dantalian No Shoka fanart I made for FanExpo Of Days Gone By. Doubt I'll stock it, as it's an older and low profile anime, but I thought I'd share. While not successful as merch (I only ever sold one 😅) I'm super fond of it.

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Likely not going to make it all the way through the 100 OC's challenge. After 16 normal portraits like Denisa, I did The Guy. I'm cornered portrait 43 is just going to be a scribble with googley eyes.

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Abstract doodles, feeling A Kind Of Way 🌀✨💫🌙

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I was supposed to keep these doodles in a separate thread but I am a vicious liar apparently 🌀🌀🌀

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Oh hey more of these doodle things, now introducing squares

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Tonight in abstract doodles, I've abandoned texture, so next set will prob be all texture. 🖍🌀🤓

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Abstract doodling again. Black and white and oh look the smudge tool *smudges forever*

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I've moved into a swooshy phase with the abstract doodles. 🖍🤓🖍

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More abstract doodles. 🖍🤓🖍

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Abstract color doodles on Procreate. 🤓🖍

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