


フォロー数:1391 フォロワー数:390

It's almost 1am for you I think. So a fairly average bed time huh

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I only got on in the last 10 minutes but that was fun. Hope your day keeps getting better Sali

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New kiara wallpaper has neko ears. 10/10

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KFP after the meet and greets

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Carto-iara. Originally she was going to hold a map but I can't resist drawing round kotori.

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I'm loving the playthrough, was never a big fan of the main story but it's been a fun ride. Enjoy your foof and massage tomorrow, hopefully that will help recharge you. The stream had many hilarious moments and I'm happy you're getting this far. I lost it at the one piece joke.

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Kiwawa reigniting my love for morning musume.

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