


フォロー数:1435 フォロワー数:418

Love u 2, tenchou. Always happy to support you!

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Thanks for the fun karaoke. Love the song choices and I hope you two get to work on a cover or original song someday. Good luck with the thing you gotta do, I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.

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Maybe it's all the Holocure I played but Suspect has climbed up to be one of my favorite Holo group songs.

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Kiara getting very animated at bringing up Game of Thrones. She's also trying hard to sell Gilmore Girls to Towa lol.

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I usually feel bad for people who love cats but have allergies but rarely do I see any of them really do anything about it. That's some determination to take meds and overcoming the allergy.#kfp

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Jelly bean batsu? Oh man, I've seen these types of punishment games before. Never eat extremely bright green jellybeans!

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Kiara dreamt of KFP, and KFP usually think of her often. It's kinda cute, I genuinely do appreciate how much she thinks of her fans in general. Blagh blagh parasocial, making a fun community that's positive and supportive and feeling a connection with em isn't bad.

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