

Illustrator, designer, creator - Might also be a plant. I get my energy by photosynthesis 🌿
Feel free to bribe me with tea and pretty bugs🪲

フォロー数:160 フォロワー数:60

Bored out my mind so enjoy this pic of Basil being a derp

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This is my fave plant gif

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and set a precedent for women in science. If you dont know her work look her up!
Her work is gorgeous, definitely wanna get a print of her work at some point if i can. This is one of my favourites of hers.

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Just in time for first day of
Just a very quick, rough doodle trying out some new brushes, literally did this in 20 mins right before the day is over! I also realised I did this entire thing with blue light filter and had to adjust

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Also with a light background. Cant decide! I love both tbh

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This is a design I produced for my branding so will be used on business cards and website (coming soon)
Stag beetles, bugs and orange blossoms :) I'm really happy with how this turned out

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