

Aspiring Artist and Writer, D&D nerd - both player and DM.
I also enjoy binge watching cartoons and anime, and playing video games.…

フォロー数:51 フォロワー数:399

After fighting off a sickness I was finally able to work on a New Year's piece, dedicated to my best friend

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Piper throws Molotovs to fight off the Groundhog Revolution

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A picture of my character Norallie and her big brother Lokeadius (but she just calls him Loki)

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Sobbles are fun cause they'll grab anything you give them.

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Full Tuesday Night Party - pre-chicken beard removal

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Norallie protects her pets from the evil vampire-bard, Mordecai!

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Introducing Solan Verde, my Green Dragonborn Paladin.

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"Friend Drink!"
Piper and Ky'el having some drinks

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