画質 高画質

a comm! charlotte and sakura from fire emblem in yahna's clothes from unicord overlord

16 93

ファイアーエムブレムヒーローズにて『生い立つ忠節の志 フレデリク』のイラストを担当させていただきました!よろしくお願いします🙏🪨
I drew "Frederick:Youth in Service" for Fire Emblem Heroes!

552 1500


"We must break through this encirclement at all costs."
"All gun stations, fire at will!"

479 2818

Fire N Forget

33 176

AWT was superfun
Lit up my fire to play the game especially for May.

Slash is crazy
and congrats to Verix!

91 569

I ran my "floor is bugs" endless swarm list yesterday, very fun . Tho my opponent has the mass amount of fire to counter it, still lots of fun

6 107

あさっぱらからハードなもん描いてるな( i _ i )
悪魔城ドラキュラ「Heart of Fire」(5面BGM)アレンジ!(作業用兼10分) https://t.co/cqO2RnoqGY より

1 53

『ファイアーエムブレム ヒーローズ』にて開花英雄「風の司祭 マリク」のイラストを担当させていただきました。本日実装です。よろしくおねがいします!
I drew Ascended Hero "Merric: Wind Pontifex" for Fire Emblem Heroes!

285 736

Shantae in the Fire Emblem Three Houses Dancer outfit

310 1025

FIRE BALL(その2)🔥🧙‍♀️

2 29

天才魔女のFIRE BALL(新環境ver)🧙‍♀️🔥

5 31

Gimme love Gimme love Gimme love like fire
Until this world will end

44 150

cooking some new fire emblem charms for emblemcon ☺️✨

15 139


2485 17075

Tom and Jerry "You set my soul on fire" Meowscarada, Gardevoir and Incineroar version.

76 506

I'm officially reopening my P*treon! This month is going back to my roots, Fire Emblem focused. Thanks for all the suggestions and votes, will draw Marianne and Yunaka and Ishtar for this month. There will be acouple of changes, link in bio!

19 185

Day4 : Fire Spears

One of these days I would like to draw this motif using traditional Japanese gold leaf painting.

18 94

Streaming a new print!

This time, Harken from Fire Emblem 7 for his VA Jordan Woolen!

6 68