

he/him ‘Eavy Metal painter for the Specialist Design Studio. All views are my own.

フォロー数:926 フォロワー数:1256

This guy. That is all.

13 168

Im really struggling to come to terms with how awesome this painting is. It really just captures a vision of the 40k universe that I find so compelling.
Just look at all the ancillary characters in the background. It’s freakin sweet.

49 390

Tell me friend, when did Tom-umam the wise abandon reason for madness?

0 1

Gonna have to get her to add the the army! Absolutely love this vibe! That banner is everything!!!!

0 6

Hi! Im Kieran! Like a lot of other people this hobby has been a boon to my mental health over the lockdown. I started painting minis back in the late 90s but after a long hiatus Ive taken it back up with a renewed passion. The sense of community Ive found through the hobby.. 1/2

3 36

Working on Ripper Jackson, been watching a lot of patreon videos and I think my painting has come along some!

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