

✨25 | She/Her✨

フォロー数:342 フォロワー数:13373

Gonna have to look thru this tag later!!! In the meantime have some of these old doodles :0

63 417

Stardew!Au (or Laying Low!au idk) 👀 I’m still not sure if I'll draw them as humans or not for this but I still wanted to jot down what they will wear!!

32 246

New eggployee with sum doodles

47 318

I BOUGHT A GOOD CHAIR!!!! 🥺🙏 thank u all againn aaa! I still have commissions to get done ✊😤 but I still wanna thank you all for the help right now 💕💖

1 39

Undercover Operations Agent 👀✨

30 314

Lrt “What? You expected me to swear? I’m a good boy! :) “

0 12

I will give this to y’all... as a treat.. 😳💖💕

129 977

Slow dances and fireworks
Last doodle for the year 🎉✨

38 268

Yet another sonic sona revamp.. mouse time.. cuz K.M. Are my initials so... M for mouse :) !!

29 282

Quick lil Digit..
“Aww... you’re here for me?? 💚”

27 273