

This is a safe place for LOVE, if you are not one, move on, I'm here for my five boys🦊 🐯 🐰 🐶 🐢 💗
🦊 💗🐯 #Minbaek

#JR #아론 #백호 #민현 #렌
#뉴이스트 #NUEST

フォロー数:378 フォロワー数:362

dOnO and Baekho 💕🥺

Yes, we are a donut 😂

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When is Bumzu contract ending?
In 5 years more?
When will Nuest go to the army too?
What if Jonghyeon and MinGi go first while MinBaek contract is over? Sorry, I'm losing my mind

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🥺💗 I don't remember the artist name, but there was a love who used to represent LOVE with a firefly 🥺
One popular drawing was th firefly trying to find (+

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You can't disband NU'EST on my mind, they will live happy and together there

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Then NU'EST members will finally be free and the good news that we will hear is a cb with another name and under another company

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Just when we thought we were getting new merch bcz of this...
Why for?

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