

モバゲー 好き(?) 23+. イラスト:@evelenciaart
うたプリ、声優、アニメ、マンガ ENG/FIL/日本語を勉強しています

フォロー数:268 フォロワー数:165

Yesterday's luck was better thanks to my little sis

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Aaaaaaaaa last roll gave me Valentines and a Prince Natsuki T^T
Thank you for coming home 那月😭😭😭💛

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[Birthday Rolls pt. 3]
BoyKira gave me a princely Kishin 😭😭😭💛💛💛
With less than a month left online this is the most 4 stars I got in a 10 roll

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[Birthday Rolls pt. 2]
B Project Rolls, got a cinnamon roll today as well

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Bless my sister who rolled Dazai for me. Finally a noncrimson and non emerald SSR. 😭

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So uh my crimson curse is still in. But thanks BSDTotL for reaffirming my likeness to Chuuya

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So I asked to roll on my oshiri (iygwim) but we got a different peach hahahahha

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