

Bandori (EN T1 Whom Are the Chocolates for?), ProSeka (Knock the Future!! 4位), other gacha hells (GBF, AK, BA, GI, HSR, AL). Rinko’s tent uwu

フォロー数:155 フォロワー数:231

Thanks for taking my commission and drawing this great art! Really can’t wait to see Leo/need make it as pros and hopefully get to perform together with Iori and STANDOUT someday like this 🥺

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Wanted to see more of her...

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Leo/need event next I can’t stop thinking about her hhhh please show up and blow me away ma’am 😳

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It has truly been quire the ride for me going for this T1! So grateful for all the help I received from everyone in MCF (My Chocolates For), and I’m so sooo happy I got to do my dream park for this event (11/26 for Emirin’s bday and 10/23 for Himari’s)! And now I :HimariSleep:

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What a ride to my first T100 title! The flameless grind is def hard, but huge thanks to everyone at MN♪ that I had the great opportunity to spend my time tiering with! Also big hugs and congrats to for their hard-earned T1! Hope to see yalls again soon!

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