

Renee - 94 liner - chaotic bisexual - choice for life - paboracha’s 4th member - elder emo big sister - carrd byf pls! - @bandicootwrites for writing updates

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CUTE!!!! Looks like I’ll be rereading with Viken while I wait for the next chapter release in June! ☺️

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It’s been 8 hours and I’m still thinking about these 😭 https://t.co/nn1TweaWXi

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Qrt with you and your bias

I know I thirst over SehDong but if I had to pick it would be these two cuties https://t.co/s0cwKmgF3Y

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Ooo I love these! hair color doesn’t really match so I went with the closest thing to orange

me vs. fairy me https://t.co/w4BM3EGP3t

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