

rest | Love and Deepspace Qi Yu & イケメンシリーズ 𐙚 ヴィクトル キース

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Kebetulan aku ada gambarnya Ich
Dan ternyata bulan April kalau ga telat di EN:")
Semoga pas event nya rilis urusan di RL mu sdg mendukung ya >_<

Hihihi pasti betah kok!! Salam kenal ya Ich!! Nama mu kayak bhs jerman ya btw

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Gatau fii pokoknya game nya kayak gini.. 🤔

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Aku jadi ngebayangin Camilla ke orang lain ceria, manis banget tapi pas Clavis lg kumat lgsg berubah ekspresinya cm ke Clavis doang, habis itu Clavisnya malah merajuk dan manja trs nunjukin ekspresi ini biar Camilla mau maafin tingkahnya 🤣

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Untuk saat ini baru ada yume buat Zue sama Keith ikepri
Tapi rencananya mau yume ikesen juga (cuma masih bingung sama jalan ceritanya :"))
Semisal belum berkawan ayok kita berkawan nder!!

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These two
Btw BD card selalu paling cakep dr CG biasanya 😭❤💚

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Tapi kalau disuruh pilih 1, paling sayang sama Shuri karena berjiwa malaikat banget 😭

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And I want to say, thank you so much for Ari san as well () 🥺💚 I just received the package from Eru today and was shocked to see that there are 2 fans and 1 bromide here 🥺😭💚 even though I just bought 1 fan and 1 keychain, but Ari gave me 2 more as gifts >_<

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First, I sincerely apologize, this is going to be a long thread and please ignore this if it pops up in your timeline 🙇🏻‍♀️
I'll be talking about Zueline Rosewell (my OC) here ⤵️

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