

🇰🇷Bible, Bakery, and Meditaion artwork. opensea.io/kimnemong_ETH #SCCrew

フォロー数:1209 フォロワー数:3139

Today, fresh four loaf of bread!

오늘의 빵은 갓 구운 식빵 4종!
버터식빵 쭉쭉 찢어먹긔 으아아아ㅜㅜㅜ
밤, 초코칩에 크렌베리 크림치즈도 잔뜩🙈❤️

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Morning Baguette❤️
If you add whipped cream, it's perfect😆

오늘 모닝바게뜨는
생크림이랑 같이!!!!🙈🙈❤️

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Thanks to wankyungs!!!❤️

카라멜 솔티 케이크를 픽 하신 wankyungs 님!!
트윗 아이디를 몰라서 이렇게 감사를 전합니다!! ㅠㅠ...!!

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여러분 식사하셨나요!
오늘은 기본빵을 구워봤어요! 밥먹기 싫어!!😆
빵구경 하러 놀러 오세요!❤️

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[Your sons and daughters will prophesy.]
1/1 _ 0.01 ETH

Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.


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이번 스퀘어 케이크 드롭하면서
스페셜 케이크 한 종 추가❤️

먹고 싶은 케이크를 그리다보니
인절미 케이크를 그리고 있었지 뭐야🙈
실제로 있다구 인절미 케이크! 나 너무 좋아해!
인절미에 꿀까지 뿌려서 곳간 기부해버림!ㅋㅋ
제발 상하지 말아줘(?)

12 37

["They have had too much wine."]
✨1/1 _ 0.01 ETH✨

They began to speak in other tongues because the Holy Spirit came upon them.
But someone who saw made fun of them and said, "They have had too much wine."


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빵집 오픈 예정!!!!ㅋㅋㅋ
두구두구두구 기대해주세요!!! ㅋㅋㅋ
빵 구워지는 중!!!!
빵 굽는 몽 셰프!!

Kimnemong Bakery Comming soon!!! 😆🍞🍰🧁

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✨1/1 _ 0.01 ETH
All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.

please check this ⬇️

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The Bible is interesting!
I'd like to share it.❤️
Come and see the works with various stories in the Bible.

Check out this collection on
Thank you!

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