Kimi | Follow me at 🦋 too!さんのプロフィール画像

Kimi | Follow me at 🦋 too!さんのイラストまとめ

An INFP guy who like cute things | Cute minimalist illustration | Currently self learning Spanish 🇪🇸

フォロー数:737 フォロワー数:351

Day 3 Boots
Whatever the cirsumstances are.. LIVE ON!

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Day 5 | Gameboy

They used to trade pokemon using cable back then.
Tak main lah pakai emulator dlm PC. Eh.

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Day 1 | Pen

Aku masih tak tau aku cuma melukis sebagai hobi atau nk terus jadikan sebagai kerjaya. Tapi yg pasti aku takkan stop melukis sbb melukis buat aku gembira.

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I’m a cat person but is blazingly cute 🔥 Sorry 🍃 you’re too green for me 😆

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Pokedex Sudowoodo

Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal

Type: Rock

Name origin:
Pseudo means false

It's actually a rock type pokemon always pretend to be a tree.

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He liked and commented 'ooo i luv this 🥲' on my fanart of him in IG 🥲

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idk but i love this last pose of from Avalance MV

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Pokedex Quagsire

Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal

Type: water & Ground

Name origin:
Quagmire which means swamp or quicksand
Sire which means master or lord

So basically it is the guardian of the river (in the series)

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