Kimya Qeeさんのプロフィール画像

Kimya Qeeさんのイラストまとめ

hate me or like me for i will remain the same.

フォロー数:785 フォロワー数:24415

Kisah pasal demon king reincarnate selepas 2000 tahun dan masuk sekolah ditubuhkan sempena diri dia sendiri. Aku expect cerita dia biasa biasa tapi boleh tahan best. Plot dia bagi aku menarik, dan satu perkara aku perasan anime ni kurang sexual fan service.

0 8 rusty..took me an hour for this.

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It has been 4 months since the last time i draw im just gonna showcase one of my best works here. Nanti sem break nak tukar approach melukis more to surreal scenery painting ^-^

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This is the exact same drawing tablet i use and i bought it for rm155! Its rm96.00 only wei? Valid until 2am je pulak tu.. dang just buy and keep it guys, or give it as a present to someone u know that love to draw but never had a drawing tablet. Totally worth it

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oh ya lupa pulak ni...tak siap jugak

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Ni miko, main character. Yang tengah anting anting K Q tu

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