

フォロー数:185 フォロワー数:69

Here's my final Danganronpa 2 tier list now that the game is done. I've also gone and made one for THH as well.

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What I find interesting about this image is the fact that, while most of these models are the original ASB models with updated colors
Some of these, like PB Dio, Pucci, Caesar, and Lisa Lisa, are the promotional models from Eyes of Heaven.

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For Sakura I was thinking Dinowrestlers, but then i remembered that the Gouki archetype exists, and I think that might be a better fit.

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Kyoko runs Spyrals.

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22) Castlevania (Season 1 - Rewatch)
It's short
But it's still really good. It sets up everything perfectly and leaves you wanting more.

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SMH, can't believe Konami showed a clip from a new Getsu Fūma Den in that direct, but didn't announce a port of Snake's Revenge for the Switch
What were they thinking?

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8) What are the Walten Files?
My brother showed me this one. Seems like an interesting series, but I probably won't keep up with it. He didn't actually show me the series, just the lore explanation.

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Has anyone done this one before?

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