Cat day tartali😋
Foul Legacy Childe x Rex Lapis Zhongli
my au of them meeting before in parallel dream world, they are in love💗💗
a collar 'cause cats treat their owners as slaves lol😄 #公钟#tartali#タル鍾#타르종려
💝💖💙🧡Happy Tartali Valentine's Day, it is still 14th so I'm not late😋
Zhongli prepared homemade chocolates and gave it to Childe, who invited him to a special chocolate course🤤
*bgk from game* #公钟#chili#tartali#タル鍾#타르종려
I'm super late😅💗
💙🧡😘tartali Prompt [kiss]
Zhongli is kissing Childe and saying please come back safely #タル鍾ワンドロワンライ
お題 「kiss!」 #公钟#chili#tartali#タル鍾#타르종려
お題『化粧』Prompt [Makekup]
💙I think blue suits you more Zhongli 先生、青似合うね
💜 No the purple looks prettier on his amber eyes
🧡 (.....)
*rkgk* #タル鍾ワンドロワンライ #公钟#chili#tartali#タル鍾#타르종려