

KIPAKI ➞ Kawaii and kidcore arts!!
✨Adults only 18+ | pro art freedom 🙇‍♀️✨
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フォロー数:450 フォロワー数:14074

💜warm up doodles❤️

17 75

Here's my next free prop, plushies !!! Just like last time every example is available as PNG and if you want to make your own the PSD file is included to edit however you want to~
Link in thread >>>

151 389

Happy 1 year anniversary Shimo woohoo!!!! 💙

13 55

We finished Kirby Squeak Squad!!! My first game I streamed that we completed to the end haha <3 Of course we had to celebrate with our hard earned cake~!💕🍰

6 23

Now that I reached it I'm not sure if I should actually do it now or wait 💦
What do y'all think 🤔 geniunely asking here cause I saw some peeps say to wait haha (tagging for advice)

3 18

I didn't know it was maid day, so I tried to dress up quickly, goshujinsama!!!! 💫💦#メイドの日

20 81

I'm almost at 50 followers on twitch, wanna help meyowt? 🐱💫
Affiliate seems like it's pretty cool hehehe -->

3 6

