

Very bitter atm, sorry. Banner made by Loboke.

フォロー数:374 フォロワー数:377

Well...looks like me and F!Byleth are doing all the work while himbos clown around.

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This is Fallon from Sirius the Jaegar! It's a bit obscure, but he's so cute though!

0 1

I'm gonna doubt because it's bandwagon

0 0

It vibe checks you on the spot

2 12

The tea is brewin' today with the girls fighting for the top r34 pokemon slot.

3 2

This kettle has been set and will brew wuite nicely.

0 0

I wanna do this too, since I don't know my followers tastes! It esays to reply with your first fate favorite and now your current fate favorite! Uh, how did this happen? Went from authoritative Gilgameah to himbo sensation Napoelon Bonaparte! https://t.co/nzqiOv2V5A

0 5

Thank you so much to for making this birthday commission! Let's go NapoIska! It's time to célébrer!

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