

Free Palestine

フォロー数:797 フォロワー数:4220

Sometimes I’m like dude how is scorpia this bad at drawing and then I remember that she has literal pincers for hands

51 402

Wait omg it’s Bow’s birthday??? Happy birthday to the ONLY man I would ever die for

19 150

Her hairrrrrr👀 I’m in love

145 912

she’s so hot what the fuck

14 133

I just think that Mara and her jawline should marry me <3

24 306

Don’t call don’t text I’m watching hero and scream crying ❤️

27 206

I love this screencap bc Adora looks hot but also because I know prime is about to die lmaooo

45 417

The way Adora is lunging......holding the sword with two hands like that.....bro I literally want her to k*ll me

86 588