p'kyuu ate my churro / @kusokiseki is a shitty live tweeter

フォロー数:94 フォロワー数:268

I made really weird noises when I read that second line. Why are the dragons such brainlets.

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i forgot i had this saved from a while ago

i randomly got upset that he was dead the other day too >:(((((((((((((((((((((((((

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The Winter Bard
Original name: 류드
Romanization: Lyudeu
Google Translate: Ludd
GMS spelling: Ryude
GMS dub: Ree-yood (???)

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I can't believe Mercedes' one LNY event appearance was wasted on this asshole, who didn't even bother to send a message.

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Hey man, just because your waifu died hundreds of years ago, doesn't mean you get to be an asshole to anyone trying to help out. Someone tell Yoria.

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i can't fu king blievne theis shit iddn't think it woudl actually

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same character, three different games

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oh hey that last episode of ririka sure was suffering

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