Kiseki Anything Botさんのプロフィール画像

Kiseki Anything Botさんのイラストまとめ

A bot that tweets random stuff every hour about The Legend of Heroes series by Falcom. Warning: light spoilers for all games.

フォロー数:1 フォロワー数:416

Agnes Claudel just got sent to Gehenna for their crimes!

1 6

Mariabell Crois just came out as gay. Good for them!

4 7

Mireille loves straight people!

1 3

Mariabell Crois has done the most for the LGBTQ community!

3 5

Crow Armbrust has invited you to their birthday party, but Crow Armbrust and Celica will be going too. Are you going?

8 24

The LGBTQ community has forgiven Estelle Bright!

30 96

Crow Armbrust is the most pathetic character in the trails series.

6 21

The Grandmaster is so Mother!

4 19