

Becky/30+/she-her complains a lot. VPR/DRG///Kite Branwen on Malboro and GNB///Kestrel Reed on Leviathan//
pfp by @illusbal

フォロー数:195 フォロワー数:74

gunna run over to that cosplay con thingy over on Bryn and i managed to throw together Yamato from One Piece......i love him so much.....i wish i had the wolf marks to get the right horns but oh well

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lrt you shooouuulllld get something from kira, but hey maybe i'm just biased because look at them 👀

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Yes okay this is Kite! As of the end of Shadowbringers she's 96, which realistically is pretty young for a Viera...doesn't stop her from being the group mom, though. She's a skilled dragoon, dark knight, and barista. Loves Estinien and namazu.

Barista bun art by c:

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digs these up from the depths of hell
i used to be able to do the drawing thing

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I really don't know anything about genshin impact aside from lots of pretty characters but that new oni dude Itto's design gives me big Yamato OnePiece vibes and I'm here for it.
Like. I love him. So much.

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drops a bun in your hands

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