

I totally almost know what I'm doing.
(she/her & old enough for things to just hurt for no reason =~=; )

フォロー数:275 フォロワー数:1306

And here's the last one! style was surprisingly easy to wrap my head around, I really enjoyed it! No idea how, I feel like we draw pretty differently, but something about it apparently just really agreed with how my brain works.

14 106

Almost done with these! 's style was super fun to do, I really enjoyed this one✨

6 49

It's been a Period of Time™ for so I offered him a draw. Apparently, in the next chapter of Afterdrop, there's a super exciting string of texts Hanzo gets to wake up to✨

55 301

Watched a choreography video & was reminded how pretty girls are & how I don't draw them enough. So break from everything else to make a dancer lady. Plus magic or something b/c why not.

7 33

Hrng, well, it's kinda sorta 's style. 😅 I keep feeling like I'm close but not quite with these though I suppose it's not really a failing if I can't radically change my draw habits on a whim. 😂

8 34

This style jacking was hard in a different way cause I feel like the baseline of how me & draw faces is really similar. So I was trying to do their style, but it still just feels like mine?? I tried, at least 😅

7 23

Hoo boy, pretty sure this is as close to style as I'm gonna get. 😅

12 57

Hoo boy, this was a Challenge™ for me, your style is so damn pristine, it's like the opposite of mine 😂 I did my best tho

6 35

Poked around some zora!Link Sidlink fic cause I've always loved zora & Sidon is objectively The Best™, why yes hello I AM 3 yrs late to this scene. Found a story that was really good & the zora Link description compelled me to draws

9 47

And last of the main trio, Sen, who projects Peak Asshole™ to distract from his piles and piles of baggage.

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