

I totally almost know what I'm doing.
(she/her & old enough for things to just hurt for no reason =~=; )

フォロー数:250 フォロワー数:1382

I think it was probably around here. I was starting to make more of an effort to add volume to facial structures & after fixing some of my face issues, the concept bled into fixing other things as well.

3 13

New DnD character, Vega Thalia. She's a ranger, literally the first time I have ever played something that wasn't a rogue, sorcerer, or a rogue/sorcerer combo. But we're starting at lvl 1, so I should be able to figure it the heck out.

5 19

A "what if Grimmjow but also Fenris" for @/Giza0603 b/c why not

16 59

Draw for @/Chromatocloo who proposed "what if foxy yeehan, but also fluffy & snuggly?" & I realized I couldn't remember the last time I drew casual affection. 🥺

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So @/kannibal 's pokemon trainer is fab, & I was going to make them a draw anyway SO. Here's a BAMF Keio & torracat comin to CHALLENGE you 🔥🔥🔥

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Monster therapy complete, I feel better now. 😌 I did not, however, really super feel like coloring this guy, so I am here with color squiggles & a lot of teeth.

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For @/ClaroQueQuiza, I have a black-hair-dyed-in-disguise Reinhardt from Afterdrop, being incredibly intimidating with his hand-carved emu.

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Roughed up Nanami a bit for @/ventiskull. He didn't specify a roughed-up-sat-on-his-ass Nanami, that just seemed like the most logical approach.

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& a Renji to complete the set, MY BLEACH ITCH IS SCRATCHED 🙌😤

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