

🔞 BL • spoilers • personal analysis • check the alt • give proper credits • ig: kittyahwii ♡

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This one lol it's not even about the dog 🤣

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Dog-Cat-Rat Theory:
Cain is a dog, Yahwi is the cat, and Jooin is the rat. The cat chases the rat just like how Yahwi has been chasing Jooin all this time. The cat will claim the rat so Jooin is Yahwi's to claim.

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What is cain wanted to find out?

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What made cain say that Yahwi denied Jooin?

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Jooin also told Yahwi before that it's only been a day since they last talked so he needs more time to process things so let's also see how jooin is going to process the dog's proposal after they fucked (not even 24 hours have passed).

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The next question is: will jooin finally see through the dog being broke facade or will he remain stupid?

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So in the next chapter, the dog will propose to jooin because if he waits until jooin is in the right mind, it might be too late for him so he has to grab the opportunity. Now the question is, how will jooin react to that expensive ring after rejecting Yahwi's expensive gift?

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Finally, he rejected you so many times, treated you like trash, and threw you away like you are nothing.

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And when you told him that you express your love through touch but he told you that your touch disgusts him.

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When he breaks your heart over and over again.

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