

🔞 BL • spoilers • personal analysis • check the alt • give proper credits • ig: kittyahwii ♡

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And they did it that night. Yahwi then asked him why he wanted to sleep with him. Jooin answered that there is no reason.

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And so the next day, he told Yahwi that he wants to do it anytime.

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Until one day when they watched a movie, Jooin was jealous of Yahwi's female acquaintance and so he told Yahwi that he wasn't feeling well, so Yahwi drove him back to his apartment.

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Early on, Yahwi told him that he wants Jooin to keep people away from him and that he shouldn't fall for him.

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He is very ignorant, gullible, simple-minded, and easily influenced.

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He always jumps to conclusions.

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Jooin is naturally insecure and self-conscious.

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Because of this, he began to question his own sexual orientation.

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