

🔞 BL • spoilers • personal analysis • check the alt • give proper credits • ig: kittyahwii ♡

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What is Jooin's background? Despite being the MC, we also know nothing about him.

3 45

Does cain contribute to paying bills or is he really just a parasite? Is Jooin using his allowance for cain because he believed that cain is broke?

2 44

Will Jooin ever find out that cain is just lying to him the entire time?

5 50

Will Jooin ever remember Yahwi from their childhood?

3 50

What will happen to Jooin and Yahwi's bet?

2 47

What did Pil and Jooin talk about in the restroom?

2 48

What did Yahwi's grandpa really say to Jooin?

1 42

Who posted the malicious forum?

3 46

Yahwi is an only child but not an only grandchild. Are we going to meet his cousins too? (We have to!!)

3 47

Who stole Jooin's USB and why? How did Yahwi find it? Jooin later accused Yahwi of setting this up to trouble him, was this setup by someone else?

3 41