

🔞 BL • spoilers • personal analysis • check the alt • give proper credits • ig: kittyahwii ♡

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He is protecting you behind your back.

14 132

He respects you when you are sleeping.

22 157

Yahwi is not manipulating you. Even when he was hurt because of you, he tried his best to cover his wounds.

19 165

Yahwi has always been honest with you.

21 151

Yahwi has always wanted to touch you.

13 146

Yahwi’s eyes were always on you.

14 142

Yahwi goes out of his way to be with you. He was never embarrassed of you.

10 121

Yahwi has always wanted to be beside you.

13 130

Yahwi has been doing everything Jooin wanted—loving him dearly in his own ways, in ways that he knows. Jooin just doesn’t realize it.

12 129

Yahwi just wanted Jooin to be safe.

9 126