Kiwi(KQDC@5 slots)さんのプロフィール画像

Kiwi(KQDC@5 slots)さんのイラストまとめ

パンテーラ(♂)が好き💎💖 Regularly plays second fiddle to an Otamatone™|Doodles and random thoughts|Draws a variety of things|⚠️18↑ please!

フォロー数:594 フォロワー数:1315
# pikart

Something that happened at work last week
She was very enthusiastic!

10 97


15 67

More Bomberman characters for the collab!💣

16 58

I don't remember what prompted this but the idea of her being a commentator at EVO came up somehow.

14 69

My dream to draw a bunch of Pommies came true! I've loved these guys ever since I played Bomberman Max and I've always hoped that they'd come back to the series someday. These are for a big 40th anniversary art collab! If you're interested in joining, click on the link below!

23 68

They didn't make a heart :(

17 56

A little Shadow Man for & 's secret MM video collab!

51 154