

20↑ | 🇻🇳 | English/한국어(basic) | JJK (most 👅🐯)/Vtubers/ 데못죽 / Stray Kids

フォロー数:1054 フォロワー数:45

I like both so I made 2 versions QwQ

1 40

Finish this in 2 days 😘 I already upload this vid in tiktok so it got the mark lol

3 27

Happy Birthday 🎉🎂
생일 축하해요. 당신의 생일 소원과 꿈이 모두 이루어지길 바랍니다.
Happy birthday. I hope all your birthday wishes and dreams come true.
\( ˆ ˆ )/

High quality pic: https://t.co/GXs9CdMaSQ

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