Prominence Recordsさんのプロフィール画像

Prominence Recordsさんのイラストまとめ

Prominence Records広報アカウント。【つなぎつなぐ】【ELUSIVE】【STELLA FISSA】【GREATNESS STAND】【Radical Complex】【縁】【大団円】【雄渾壮烈に吼えよ】

フォロー数:28 フォロワー数:42

成「I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the artists. さあ、最後まで! 共に楽しもうじゃあないか!」

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由依「I will be the last in this program, but I hope that the time spent together will be a good memory for all of you.」

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咲弥「I am honored to be blessed with a wonderful friends and to stand on the same stage.」

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遥「Thank you for coming to the 年輪祭 today. We are waiting for the coming of everyone from the bottom of our heart.」

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